Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2011 2012 2013 2014

Details for Mechanism ID: 13067
Country/Region: Central America Region
Year: 2013
Main Partner: University Research Corporation, LLC
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: HHS/CDC
Total Funding: $0

CDC DHGA with the support of University Research Co. LLC will continue strengthening the capacity of countries to more effectively reach and deliver sustainable high quality HIV/TB services focusing in the areas of service delivery, health workforce capacity and laboratory strengthening. In addition, CDC DGHA and URC will continue supporting the Central America and Panama Ministries of Health with direct expert technical assistance to assist in the development and execution of HIV/TB activities, staff development for health personnel through an specific strategy named Multi-Disciplinary Facility-Based Tb Program Strengthening For TB -Related HIV Surveillance (FTBSS ).

CDC DGHA and URC will update TB national guidelines, design an implementing strategy including a M&E plan, training workshops, and support for the TB related HIV committees function and TB information System Strengthening including surveillance (design a nominal reporting systems for TB related to HIV.

FTBSS is designed based country needs and implemented under MOH lead and engagement and is being partially funded by host governments and other donors in the region such as Global Fund.

After the intervention of the FTBSS strategy in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama the HIV/TB services will be delivered with high quality by the local personnel that URC trained and supported from each MOH. To ensure sustainability of the FTBSS strategy in the countries, URC is working on local facilities of MOH to establish capacity building.

Funding for Care: TB/HIV (HVTB): $0

MULTI-DISCIPLINARY FACILITY-BASED TB PROGRAM STRENGTHENING FOR TB -RELATED HIV SURVEILLANCE (FTBSS) is a program that aims to improve detection of HIV among TB patients, TB management and strategic information for TB and HIV. FTBSS was designed by the Regional Office for Central America and Panama of the Division of Global HIV AIDS Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC through URC will support the implementation of the FTBSS strategy in Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua.

FTBSS has the potential to improve:

1) TB/HIV case detection

2) Patient diagnosis, treatment and referral to HIV-related care

3) The provision of reliable information for use at all levels of National TB Program

4) Improve communication between national HIV program and National TB Program for a better understanding about patient management

With URC, training courses will be implemented, including curricula development, preparation of training materials and implementation of courses. Based on the results of laboratory assessments, equipment and supplies will be provided to improve diagnosis of TB and HIV.

Technical assistance will be provided during initial implementation, and an eventual gradual transfer to the respective countries of the complete fiscal and management responsibility for the FTBSS program. The project will be guided by a technical working group that includes country, CDC (country and Atlanta offices), Wam Technology and partner technical experts in TB/HIV care and treatment, surveillance, data management, M&E, and laboratory. (BH)

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Implement activities to change harmful gender norms & promote positive gender norms
Increase gender equity in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support